Shipping Policy and Inquiries
When will my order be shipped?
Once we receive your order, we will have them shipped as quickly as possible, usually within 1- 4 business days of receipt of payment. However, this may vary depending on special times and national holidays. All orders will be shipped in the order they were received.
All orders made on the weekend from Saturday afternoon – Sunday will be shipped out the following week.
Where is my order?
If you provided your email or phone number during checkout, you may track your order via the link provided in your shipping confirmation email or text. If you didn't receive a shipping confirmation email or text, please message us with your name and order number in our Contact Us form.
Do you combine orders?
Sorry, we do not combine orders. However, we can edit and add on items if your order has not been shipped yet. An email with the invoice will be sent out. Once the balance is paid, your items will be shipped out.
How long will it take to receive my order?
After your order has been marked as shipped by USPS, please allow 2-15 business days for it to arrive if you are based in the U.S., and up to 6 weeks for it to arrive if you are outside of the U.S. You may track your order using the tracking number in your email or text message.
If your order is shipped out by UPS or DHL, shipping should take from 3-5 business days depending on which postage you purchased.
I think my order is lost.
We ask that you wait 4 weeks in the U.S. and 8 weeks outside of the U.S. until a package is declared lost. After that time, please contact us through our Contact Us form.
I think my package was stolen.
Unfortunately, we do not cover stolen packages once they have been delivered. However, you can file an insurance claim with the shipping company.
My order was marked as "delivered" but I haven't received it.
Sometimes the USPS will mark a package as delivered 1-2 days before the package arrives. If, after these 1-2 days, you still have not received your package, the first step will be to check with your neighbors or your building to see if they received your package. Next, check with your local post office, call the USPS at 1-877-275-8777, or file a claim with the USPS. If you are still unable to find it, please contact us through our Contact Us form or at Lost packages are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Do you ship internationally?
Unfortunately, at this time we cannot offer shipping to all countries. In addition, not all products can be shipped internationally due to customs, duties and taxes being too high. Thank you for your understanding.